Error codes diagnostic message ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_LOAD_DRIVER [30011] ErrorString = Load driver failed Solution[0] = Check the Installed program; Solution[1] = Uninstall the software and reinstall. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_GET_FUNCTION [30012] ErrorString = Load function interface from driver failed Solution[0] = Check the installed program; Solution[1] = Uninstall the software and reinstall. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_GET_API_FACE [30013] ErrorString = Obtain function vector table failed Solution[0] = Check the installed program; Solution[1] = Uninstall the software and reinstall. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_INIT_DEVICE [30014] ErrorString = Initialize the printer failed Solution[0] = Check the printer power supply; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection between the computer and the printer; Solution[2] = Check the device board. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_FREE_DEVICE [30015] ErrorString = Release driver exception Solution[0] = Check the USB connection. ;-------------------u----------------------------------------------------- ;EXP_ERROR_USB_LOW_MODE [30016] ErrorString = USB communication in low transmission state alarm Solution[0] = Check the USB connection; Solution[1] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_USB_GET_STATUS [30017] ErrorString = USB communication obtain device status failed Solution[0] = Check the USB connection; Solution[1] = Restart the software; Solution[2] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_INIT_PRINTER [30018] ErrorString = Initialize the printer failed Solution[0] = Check the USB connection; Solution[1] = Restart the software; Solution[2] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_REPOSITION [30019] ErrorString = Repositon abnormal Solution[0] = Check the motor module; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection; Solution[2] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_STOP_MOVE [30020] ErrorString = Stop abnormal Solution[0] = Check the motor module; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection; Solution[2] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_WAIT_STOP [30021] ErrorString = Wait stop overtime Solution[0] = Check the motor module; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection; Solution[2] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_GET_POSITION [30022] ErrorString = Obtain the car location error Solution[0] = Check the USB connection; Solution[1] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_GET_STATUS [30023] ErrorString = Obtain the motion status error Solution[0] = Check the USB connection; Solution[1] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_START_RUN [30024] ErrorString = Start the specified motion abnormal Solution[0] = Check the configulation file; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection; Solution[2] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_RUNING [30025] ErrorString = Printer cannot execute next motion order when motor runs Solution[0] = Check the configulation file; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection; Solution[2] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_SET_MICRO_STATUS [30026] ErrorString = Set the micro jet failed Solution[0] = Check the configulation file; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection; Solution[2] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_GET_MICRO_STATUS [30027] ErrorString = Set the micro jet failed Solution[0] = Check the configulation file; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection; Solution[2] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRINT_THREAD_EXCEPTION [30028] ErrorString = Print thread exception Solution[0] = Check the configulation file; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection; Solution[2] = Restart the software; Solution[3] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DATA_PROCESS_THREAD_EXCEPTION [30029] ErrorString = Process thread exception Solution[0] = Check the configulation file; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection; Solution[2] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DATA_COMBINATION [30031] ErrorString = Data interlace exception Solution[0] = Check the configulation file; Solution[1] = Restart the software; Solution[2] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_COPY_DATA_HEAD_CACHE [30032] ErrorString = Copy data to jet buffer error Solution[0] = Check the configulation file; Solution[1] = Restart the software; Solution[2] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOVE_LEN_OUT [30033] ErrorString = The motion distance beyond the range Solution[0] = Shorten the motion distance; Solution[1] = Check the configulation file; Solution[2] = Check the software and the hardware version; Solution[3] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_INIT_PRINT_PARAM [30034] ErrorString = Initialize parameter failed Solution[0] = Check the .ini configulation file; Solution[1] = Check the software configulation parameter; Solution[2] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MAINBOARD_FIBER_RECIVERS_EXCEPTION [30035] ErrorString = The mainboard receive data from optical fiber exception Solution[0] = Check the mainboard optical fiber connection; Solution[1] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_HEADBOARD_FIBER_RECIVERS_EXCEPTION [30036] ErrorString = The headboard receive data from optical fiber exception Solution[0] = Check the headboard optical fiber connection; Solution[1] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_HEADBOARD_ORIGIN_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [30037] ErrorString = The headboard origin limit switch be triggered Solution[0] = Check the origin limit switch which connect with the headboard; Solution[1] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MAINBOARD_ORIGIN_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [30038] ErrorString = The mainboard origin limit switch be triggered Solution[0] = Check the origin limit switch which connect with the mainboard; Solution[1] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_HEADBOARD_END_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [30039] ErrorString = The headboard end limit switch be triggered Solution[0] = Check the end limit switch which connect with the headboard; Solution[1] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MAINBOARD_END_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [30040] ErrorString = The mainboard end limit switch be triggered Solution[0] = Check the end limit switch which connect with the mainboard; Solution[1] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_LACK_OF_DATA_BETWEEN_ONE_PASS_PRINTTING [30041] ErrorString = Lack of data in printing process Solution[0] = Check the PRN file; Solution[1] = Check the board signal light; Solution[2] = Restart the software; Solution[3] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_WRITE_DATA_TO_CARD [30042] ErrorString = Write data to the board error Solution[0] = Check the USB connection; Solution[1] = Check the board signal light; Solution[2] = Restart the software; Solution[3] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DATA_COMBIN_NOT_SUPPORT [30043] ErrorString = The specified data combination not be supported Solution[0] = The current configulated jet group number not be supported; Solution[1] = Reset the jet group number in configulation file. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRINT_PASS_DATA_COUNTS [30044] ErrorString = Print 1PASS,data accumulaiton error Solution[0] = Check the raster; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection interface; Solution[2] = restart the printer and software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRN_COLORS [30045] ErrorString = The print color channel number is greater than the permit color channel number Solution[0] = Check the PRN file color channel number. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRN_DOT_BITS [30046] ErrorString = The current PRN dot digit don't match the current jet dot digit Solution[0] = Check the current PRN dot digit. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_FILE_READ_PASS [30047] ErrorString =Read 1PASS data error Solution[0] =Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MACHINE_TYPE_EXCEPTION [30048] ErrorString = The machine model incorrect Solution[0] = Please select the right configulation file. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MB_OPTICAL_EXCEPTION [30049] ErrorString = The mainboard optical fiber module abnormal Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_HB_OPTICAL_EXCEPTION [30050] ErrorString = The headboard optical fiber module abnormal Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRINT_CAR_OVERCOME_FIRESTART [30051] ErrorString = The car beyond print start position Solution[0] = Please replace the X motor drive. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_YDPILESS [30052] ErrorString = The current image YDPI too small Solution[0] = Please Rerip the image. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_XSPEEDMORE [30053] ErrorString = The current car speed too fast. Solution[0] = Please slowdown. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_CTRLPANNEL_UNCONNECTED [30054] ErrorString = The control panel connection error Solution[0] = Please turnoff the machine ,reinstall the control panel and restart. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_TESTPAPER_EXCEPTION [30055] ErrorString = Paper width measurement error Solution[0] = Replace the paper width measurement sensor. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MAILSOLT_CREATE_FAILED [30056] ErrorString = Communication with RIP software failure Solution[0] = Restart the RIP software and PrintExp. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DONGLE_NOT_DETECTED [30057] ErrorString = Dongle not detected Solution[0] = Plug the dongle into the computer USB interface. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DONGLE_NOT_DETECTED_AT_PRINTTING [30058] ErrorString = When printing processed and dongle is unplugged,if you want to avoid unexpected errors occur please plug the dongle and click continue to print. Solution[0] = Please replug the dongle,turn off the error message dialog box and click continue button to print. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRINTER_NOT_READY [30059] ErrorString = Printer not ready! Solution[0] = Check the USB connection. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DOUBLE_YMOTO_DIFFERENCE [30060] ErrorString = Double Y motors serious deviation! Solution[0] = Check the Y motor and servo controller. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_FIBER_CONNECTION [30061] ErrorString = Optical fiber communication error Solution[0] = Check the optical fiber; Solution[1] = Check the board optical fiber module. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_FIND_CLEAN_PARAM [30062] ErrorString = Can not find the corresponding clean parameters Solution[0] = Check the configuration file; Solution[1] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PARAM_EXCEPTION [30063] ErrorString = Parameters incorrect,Reset parameters. Solution[0] = Parameters have been reset. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND_BACKUP_PARAM [30064] ErrorString = Backup parameters can not be found. Solution[0] = Please back up cfg file. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_FUCTION_IN_PARAM [30120] ErrorString = Input parameters error Solution[0] = Check the configulation file; Solution[1] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRINT_LENGTH [30121] ErrorString = Print width error Solution[0] = Set margin smaller; Solution[1] = Set image size smaller. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_ALLOC_MEMORY [30122] ErrorString = Memory allocation error Solution[0] = Check the PRN file; Solution[1] = Check the configulation file. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_OPEN_PRN_HEAD [30123] ErrorString = Cannot find the prn file,or the file was wrong. Solution[0] = Check the PRN file; Solution[1] = Check the configulation file. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_SUCCESS [31000] ErrorString = Communication normal. Solution[0] = Communication normal. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_SOCKET_INIT_FAILED [31001] ErrorString = Initialize network server failed. Solution[0] = Check the network. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_INVALID_SOCKET [31002] ErrorString = Network server failure. Solution[0] = Check the network server. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_BIND_FAILED [31003] ErrorString = Network server bind failed. Solution[0] = Check the network server settings. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_LISTEN_START_FAILED [31004] ErrorString = Network monitoring port failed, the port has been occupied. Solution[0] = Check the network server settings. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_RECEIVE_DATA_FAILED [31005] ErrorString = Data reception failed. Solution[0] = Check the network. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_CLIENT_CLOSE_CONNECTION [31006] ErrorString = Client disconnected. Solution[0] = Check the client network. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_CREATE_FILE_FAILED [31007] ErrorString = Create file failed. Solution[0] = Check the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WRITE_FILE_FAILED [31008] ErrorString = Write data failed. Solution[0] = Check the RIP software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_NETWORK_EXCETIPN [31009] ErrorString = Network data reception Exception. Solution[0] = Check the network. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_DATA_RECEIVE_FORMAT_ERROR [31010] ErrorString = Data format invalid. Solution[0] = Please re-RIP the image. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSANOTINITIALISED [31011] ErrorString = Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed. Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAENETDOWN [31012] ErrorString = A socket operation encountered a dead network. Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAENOTCONN [31013] ErrorString = A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied. Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAEINTR [31014] ErrorString = A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall. Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAEINPROGRESS [31015] ErrorString = A blocking operation is currently executing. Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAENOTSOCK [31016] ErrorString = An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAEOPNOTSUPP [31017] ErrorString = The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced. Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAESHUTDOWN [31018] ErrorString = A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call. Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAEWOULDBLOCK [31019] ErrorString = A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately. Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAEMSGSIZE [31020] ErrorString = A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself. Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAEINVAL [31021] ErrorString = An invalid argument was supplied. Solution[0] = Please restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAECONNABORTED [31022] ErrorString = An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. Solution[0] = Please restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NT_WSAECONNRESET [31023] ErrorString = An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Solution[0] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_MAINBOARD_FIBER_RECIVERS_EXCEPTION [33001] ErrorString = The mainboard receive data from optical fiber exception. Solution[0] = Check the mainboard optical fiber connection; Solution[1] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_HEADBOARD_FIBER_RECIVERS_EXCEPTION [33002] ErrorString = The headboard receive data from optical fiber exception. Solution[0] = Check the headboard optical fiber connection; Solution[1] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_LACK_OF_DATA_BETWEEN_ONE_PASS_PRINTTING [33003] ErrorString = Lack of data in printing process. Solution[0] = Check the hardware; Solution[1] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_HEADBOARD_LEFT_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [33004] ErrorString = The headboard origin limit switch be triggered. Solution[0] = Check the origin limit switch which connect with the headboard; Solution[1] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_MAINBOARD_LEFT_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [33005] ErrorString = The mainboard origin limit switch be triggered. Solution[0] = Check the origin limit switch which connect with the mainboard; Solution[1] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_HEADBOARD_RIGHT_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [33006] ErrorString = The headboard end limit switch be triggered. Solution[0] = Check the end limit switch which connect with the headboard; Solution[1] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_MAINBOARD_RIGHT_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [33007] ErrorString = The mainboard end limit switch be triggered. Solution[0] = Check the end limit switch which connect with the mainboard; Solution[1] = Restart the software. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_HEADBOARD_EMITTING_IS_NOT_ENOUGH [33008] ErrorString = 1Pass print error Solution[0] = Check the hardware; Solution[1] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_SET_MICRO [33009] ErrorString = Lack of data in printing process. Solution[0] = Slow down the speed; Solution[1] = Change the pointmode; Solution[2] = Please contact with the software provider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_SYSTEM [39000] ErrorString = Unauthorized access to the memory ,or data flow exception. Solution[0] = Check the configulation file; Solution[1] = Check the USB connection; Solution[2] = Restart the software; Solution[3] = Restart the printer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------