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Phaeton Galaxy New Model UV Printer with 2pcs Epson DX5 Printhead. Upgrade from Galaxy LC series printer. can print by Roll materials and flat sheet Materials.
Hybrid models UV printer Galaxy UD-1812 LCUV combine capabilities and roll and flatbed printers allow you to print on both roll and the sheet materials. Structurally modifying printers can be distinguished on the basis of additional side tables, allowing you to print on the sheet materials.
They easily print on roll and traditional sheet materials, such as foam board, PS Board. The printers with traditional UV and LED curing system. Modern curing system based on LED UV units environmentally friendly and ensures sustainability of your production. the ability to work with rolled materials and low cost equipment. If you want to restrict printing on roll and light sheet materials for traditional advertising feel free to choose a hybrid printer.
The Speed data varies in different computer.
Inkjet printer prints with fine ink dots, so the printing colors may be different along with the chnage of printheads. When printing with serveal printers at the same time, a difference in printing colors may exists due to a difference exist in every single printer.
But as far as we know, most for the operation is similar for different printer.
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